Friday, May 11, 2012

Mineral Project

Mineral Proporties

The properties of this lab was to identify different type of mineral and the luster, streak, hardness and the cleavage, mineral composition


1) What did enjoy most about this project and why?
      In this project i enjoy is when with was test

2) What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
     the most challenging was is was in the begin of the project because i was confuse about the mineral.

3) What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
     I learn from this lab was how identify different mineral.

4) Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work ? Explain. 
I improve was how to identify the mineral which mineral is nonmetallic and the hardness of the mineral.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Word                          Definition                                                          Native Language  
Umbra                       total eclipse the moon cover by shadow.            Umbra

Penumbra                  the light part of the shadow.                               Penumbra

Total eclipse              when all the sun is block.                                   Eclipse total

partial eclipse             only part of the sun is cover.                             Eclipse parcial

Lunar eclipse             when the moon move into the earth shadow.    Eclipse luna

solar eclipse                is when the moon cover the sun.                      Eclipse solar

Total Solar Elipses is when the sun is cover by the moon. Penumbra is the lig part of the shadow and Umbra is total eclipses when the moon cover a shadow. Lunar eclipses is when the moon move in to the earth shadow.  partial solar eclipses  is when only part of the sun is cover by the moon. total eclipses is when all sun is block. with was make a video with the eclipse and take picture to make a video with was make a a different poster to with was draw picture.

Critical Thinking Question 

How is earth affected by movement (revolution)?
The movement of the earth is affected by moon move around the earth cause the tide and phase of the moon.


What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
the thing they i was is to make a video and plane to present.

What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
 the sometime they i not undester the topic the my group choose.

What new skill did you learn from doing this project?
 how to make video and imovie  to edit

Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
  give more time to make my video better.                                                    

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Geologic Time

The first fish become to bunde in the diversi the first tetrapods appear tow on the end of period the most of the amphibians in the water for exmple the shark, tortoise, and reptiles but the day of extinction in the 345year.  

What did you enjoy most about this project? The different fossil the record in different year and how the earth  was formen in one contines call Euro America.
What was most challenging about this project ? The most challenging is When i come to doing the project because in the begin i don't no about the  project.
What you change about this project and why? I will change the video because with can not writing all the information the with get about you time.
What are 3 thing that you learned fron this project? I learn about the first fish became abundant and when   to contine come together they call Euro America.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


GPN-2000-001444.jpg (650×684)

Planet Order: 3rd from the Sun.
Distance from the Sun: 150 million km
Revolution: 365.25 days
Mass: 59736x10^24
Diameter: 12,756 km
Rotation: 24 hours
How many Moons? Terrestrial
Planet description?
Atmosphere protect life.
Sufface temperatures allow water to existe as solid liquid and gas.
Only planet where life is know to exist;
Has one large moon.
Interesting fast?
- Is the only planet they has a larger moon.
- They has atmosphere
- Has water

Friday, October 7, 2011

Hurricane Irene Project

Critical Thinking

1 What is a hurricane? 
Hurricane is tropical storm that ocurs in the summer when the water is warm.

2 What is a high tide and what cause it?

When the ocean water goes high. Movement the moon moves around the earth.

3 What does Saturation (zone) mean ?

The zone of saturation is that part of the soil or rock mass below earth's surface that is below the ground water table.

4 What is a flooding? 

When there is too much raining and the water goes into the streets.


What is something that you liked about this mini-project? 
Like about this project they was about the different time how the hurricane affect
the city.

What was difficult for you on this project? 
Sometime when understand the some question.

What would you change about you work on this project? 
I would change some questions the I didn't understand.

How did this project help you learn about Hurricane Irene?
When hurricane they have 5 categories the destroy many thing.